Wednesday, November 12, 2008

you know you are in nepal when.....

so i have been here one month and this is some useful information i have gathered...
*if you are told i will see you on monday....they really mean wednesday.
*if they say an expected time of arrival...add two hours.
*tylenol is considered a wonder drug here.
*remove the "poopoo and peepee shoes" when you get in the house.
*water is not to be taken for granted.
*nepali people do swear at stupid white people who step out in front of their motorcycle.
*buff burgers is not the same as beef.
*rice is a staple and served 2-3 times a day here.
*watch where you walk.

1 comment:

livinginnepal said...

-by the end, you guys'll have a humungous list of 'things to know'... but that's a great start already. Way to go Troopers!!!
(Alana Lewis)