Saturday, January 24, 2009

16 hours and counting....

power is off for 16 hours a day...not fun.
school starts in 9
we move back to church in three sleeps...okay.
we have 47 days left in

it seems i am down to counting the hours and days of something. i look forward to certain things ending like the power coming on and i dread things that mean drastic change.
maybe i need to focus on the here and now.


Andy said...

yay for the jersaks!
you guys are great.
peace, health & grace to you all.

Unknown said...

I am home sick from church and reading your blog. So great to see all the pics. Will keep praying for grace with all of the power problems.

Debra said...

hey, Elisa, is it winter break from school?
things will maybe get back to normal when the church starts up again.
we are so excited that Chris is coming. we are all very jealous b/c we want to come too!
Ben and i keep talking about how we could go there together.
anyways, we pray for you daily and miss everyone there.
what do you want us to send you with Chris.

livinginnepal said...

Are the off-hours mainly at night (I hope)? And have you managed to figure out a schedule of when it's on? There's also an internet cafe down the road, across Ring Road, on the way to Noel & Dona's, that has different hours. And we were also able to find thicker candles at the corner store, which lasted a little longer. God bless you guys!

Sherry said...

Hi we miss you guys alot! Can't wait to play! :) it's freezing walking to school -40 with the wind. -Bri We've watched your weather and googled where u are. Definatly enjoy following your blogs. Brillant to be able to be in touch like this. Love the pics and seeing your faces. Take care our friends! TTYS